Thomas, Manoj, Yu Ma and Dinesh Gauri (2023) "Food Craving Increases Unhealthy Purchases: A Study of SNAP Households," Journal of Marketing Research. [link]  

Thomas, Manoj (2022) "Hueristic Price Theory: A Model of Pluralistic Price Evaluations," Consumer Psychology Review. [link]  

Goenka, Shreyans and Manoj Thomas (2022) "When is Sensory Consumption Immoral," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [link]  

Monnier, Arnaud and Manoj Thomas (2022) "Experiential and Analytical Price Evaluations: How Experiential Product Description Affects Prices," Journal of Consumer Research, 49(4). [link]  

Goenka, Shreyans and Manoj Thomas (2022), “Are Conservatives Less Likely Than Liberals to Accept Welfare? The Psychology of Welfare Politics,” Journal of Association of Consumer Research, 7(3).[link

Kyung, Ellie, Manoj Thomas and Aradhna Krishna (2022), "How Political Identity Influences COVID-19 Risk Perceptions," Journal of Association of Consumer Research, 7(3). [link

Park, Joowon, Clarence Lee, and Manoj Thomas (2021) “Why Do Cashless Payments Increase Unhealthy Consumption? The Decision-Risk Inattention Hypothesis,” Journal of Association for Consumer Research. [link]

Sokolova, Tatiana, Satheesh Seenivasan, and Manoj Thomas (2020), “The Left-Digit Bias: When are Consumers Penny Wise and Pound Foolish,” Journal of Marketing Research. [link]

Goenka, Shreyans and Manoj Thomas (2020), "The Malleable Morality of Conspicuous Consumption," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 118(3), 562–583. [link

Santana, Shelle, Manoj Thomas, and Vicki Morwitz (2020). "The Role of Numbers in the Customer Journey." Journal of Retailing, 96(1), 138-154.[link]

Chun, Helen, Joowon Park, and Manoj Thomas (2019), "Cold Anticipated Regret vs. Hot Experienced Regret: Why Consumers Fail to Regret Unhealthy Consumption," Journal of Association of Consumer Research, 4(2). 

Thomas, Manoj and Ellie Kyung (2018) "Slider Scale or Text Box: How Response Format Shapes Responses," Journal of Consumer Research, 45(6), 1274–1293 [link

Kyung, Ellie, Manoj Thomas, and Aradhna Krishna (2017) "When Bigger is Better (and When it is Not): Implicit Bias in Numeric Judgments" Journal of Consumer Research, 44(1), 62-79. [link]

Kyung, Ellie and Manoj Thomas (2016). "When Remembering Disrupts Knowing: Blocking Implicit Price Memory," Journal of Marketing Research 53(6), 937-953.[link

Spann, Martin, Robert Zeithammer, Marco Bertini, Ernan Haruvy, Sandy D. Jap, Oded Koenigsberg, Vincent Mak, Peter Popkowski Leszczyc, Bernd Skiera and Manoj Thomas (2017), “Beyond Posted Prices: the Past, Present, and Future of Participative Pricing Mechanisms,” Customer Needs and Solutions [link]

Chakravarti, Amitav and Manoj Thomas (2015), Why People (Don't) Buy: Go & Stop Signals, Palgrave Macmillan. 

Thomas, Manoj and Joowon Park (2014), “The Precision Effect: How Numerical Precision Influences Everyday Judgments,” in Neuroeconomics, Judgment, and Decision Making, eds Evan A. Wilhelms, Valerie F. Reyna, Psychology Press. [link]

Hamilton, Rebecca W.; Thompson, Debora V.; Arens, Zachary G.; Blanchard, Simon J.; Haubl, Gerald; Kannan, P.K.; Khan, Uzma; Lehmann, Donald R.; Meloy, Margaret G.; Roese, Neal J.; Thomas, Manoj (2014) "Consumer Substitution Decisions: An Integrative Framework" Marketing Letters 23(5), 305-317. [link]

Thomas, Manoj (2013) "Commentary on Behavioral Price Research: The Role of Subjective Experiences in Price Cognition," Academy of Marketing Science Review, 3(1), 141-145 [link]

Ulkumen, Gulden and Manoj Thomas (2013), "Personal Relevance and Mental Simulation Amplify Duration Framing Effect," Journal of Marketing Research, 50(2), 194-206 [link]

Thomas, Manoj and Claire Tsai (2012) “Psychological Distance and Subjective Experience: How Distancing Reduces Feeling of Difficulty,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (2), 324-340 [PDF]

Thomas, Manoj, Kalpesh Desai and Satheeshkumar Seenivasan (2011), “How Credit Card Payments Increase Unhealthy Food Purchases: Visceral Regulation of Vices,” Journal of Consumer Research, 38(1), 126-39 [PDF]

Tsai, Claire and Manoj Thomas (2011), “When Do Feelings of Fluency Matter? How Abstract and Concrete Thinking Influence Fluency Effects,” Psychological Science, 22(3), 348-54 [PDF]

Thomas, Manoj, Daniel Simon and Vrinda Kadiyali (2010), “The Price Precision Effect: Evidence from Laboratory and Market Data,” Marketing Science, 29(1),175-190 [PDF]

Thomas, Manoj and Vicki Morwitz (2009), “Heuristics in Numerical Cognition: Implications for Pricing,” in Handbook of Research in Pricing, Vithala Rao, ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, 132-149 [PDF]

Thomas, Manoj and Vicki Morwitz (2009), “The Ease of Computation Effect: The Interplay of Metacognitive Experiences and Naïve Theories in Judgments of Price Difference,” Journal of Marketing Research, 46 (February), 81-91 [PDF]

Ülkümen, Gülden, Manoj Thomas and Vicki Morwitz (2008), “Will I Spend More in 12 Months or a Year? The Effect of Ease of Estimation and Confidence on Budget Estimates,” Journal of Consumer Research,35 (August), 245-256 [PDF]

Thomas, Manoj and Geeta Menon (2007), "When Internal Reference Prices and Price Expectations Diverge: The Role of Confidence," Journal of Marketing Research, 44 (August), 401-409 [PDF]

Thomas, Manoj and Vicki Morwitz (2005), "Penny Wise and Pound Foolish: The Left Digit Effect in Price Cognition," Journal of Consumer Research, 32 (June), p.54-64 [PDF]